Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm almost done! (only five more semesters to go)

The past couple of weeks have been sort of busy. When I say "sort of busy" I mean really busy. Last week we had our design fair where we showcased our work from the year and then received feedback. I was apprehensive because I only have one semester at USU and therefore not as much work to show. Fortunately for me I like to render on large paper and I have work from my undergrad at Weber. Here is a rough sketch from my first project as a grad student: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
It is what we refer to as a "paper project" because that is as far as it gets, production wise. It was for "Sweeney Todd." I still have a long way to go as a designer but I think it was sort of a break through because it is a lot looser than my earlier work. Hopefully I will continue to improve during the next two and a half years.
While we're discussing paper projects, I'll post another picture. This is a white model of a set for "Death of a Salesman" that I constructed for Van Tinkham's set design class a couple of years ago. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Unfortunately, the only reminder of this set are some inferior quality cell phone pictures (hint, I could really use a digital camera.) It's a pretty basic set: a kitchen, two bedrooms, some stair cases and some acting areas downstage. I also did a rendering on some fairly nice gray paper but I can't remember where I put it. It's probably at my parent's house.
The day after the design fair we (meaning the theatre department) had our end of the year banquet at the Bluebird. Initally I was sort of like, "Oh, it's at the Bluebird?" and I had a sort of snotty attitude but I went and I had a really nice time! The food was much better than I was anticipating and the room upstairs was surprisingly nice. It made sense why my roommate is having her wedding luncheon there in a week and half.
As usual, I didn't have a camera so I have to pull a Blanche Dubois and rely on the "kindness of strangers" (whoa, how many theatre terms/references can I cram in this post?) My friend Leslie posted a bunch of pictures on her facebook page so I'm going to use them here. Thanks Leslie!
Left to right: Ruby, Jared Rounds, Amanda Profaizer, Brandee Jenks, Me, Leslie Aldridge, and Jeff Dransfield. We had a good time. Can you tell?


shannon said...

I'm always so impressed with your design work! And you look gorgeous in those pictures! Congrats on finishing this one and good luck with the remaining 5! :)

Megan said...

I know I'm not supposed to be jealous of people, but I'm jealous of 3 things after this post.
1) I miss school
2) I wish I could draw... anything!
3) I love your dress!