Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weekend fun

This weekend I have worked on a nasty midterm paper, babysat, and baked a cake (while babysitting.) My aunt and uncle went out to dinner with my parents and I volunteered to watch their two youngest kids. We played Hungry Hungry Hippos and made houses out of blocks. These two activities didn't last very long so I thought we could all make something together. So I cracked open our kid's cooking book and let the boys pick a project. They flipped past the cookies and the cupcakes without any sort of interest. I was hoping that they would go for the cupcakes that have faces on them (dogs, soliders, elephants, pigs) but instead they opted for the dinosaur cake. It was an adventure:

My cousin Cole apparently loves this hoodie so much he refuses to stop wearing it, despite the obivous shoulder discomfort it probably causes.

1 comment:

Hilary said...

I love their faces!! They are so cute. Thanks for the pictures. love ya