The past couple of weeks have been sort of busy. When I say "sort of busy" I mean really busy. Last week we had our design fair where we showcased our work from the year and then received feedback. I was apprehensive because I only have one semester at USU and therefore not as much work to show. Fortunately for me I like to render on large paper and I have work from my undergrad at Weber. Here is a rough sketch from my first project as a grad student: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
It is what we refer to as a "paper project" because that is as far as it gets, production wise. It was for "Sweeney Todd." I still have a long way to go as a designer but I think it was sort of a break through because it is a lot looser than my earlier work. Hopefully I will continue to improve during the next two and a half years.
While we're discussing paper projects, I'll post another picture. This is a white model of a set for "Death of a Salesman" that I constructed for Van Tinkham's set design class a couple of years ago. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Unfortunately, the only reminder of this set are some inferior quality cell phone pictures (hint, I could really use a digital camera.) It's a pretty basic set: a kitchen, two bedrooms, some stair cases and some acting areas downstage. I also did a rendering on some fairly nice gray paper but I can't remember where I put it. It's probably at my parent's house.
The day after the design fair we (meaning the theatre department) had our end of the year banquet at the Bluebird. Initally I was sort of like, "Oh, it's at the Bluebird?" and I had a sort of snotty attitude but I went and I had a really nice time! The food was much better than I was anticipating and the room upstairs was surprisingly nice. It made sense why my roommate is having her wedding luncheon there in a week and half.
As usual, I didn't have a camera so I have to pull a Blanche Dubois and rely on the "kindness of strangers" (whoa, how many theatre terms/references can I cram in this post?) My friend Leslie posted a bunch of pictures on her facebook page so I'm going to use them here. Thanks Leslie!
Left to right: Ruby, Jared Rounds, Amanda Profaizer, Brandee Jenks, Me, Leslie Aldridge, and Jeff Dransfield. We had a good time. Can you tell?