Thursday, August 26, 2010

How has it been almost three weeks?

James and I finally got internet at our apartment in Logan, horray! However, last time I tried to hook up my camera to upload my pictures, the computer reset. Huh.
Here is a list of things that have happened in the last three weeks:

1. James and I got married! It was a windy day but it was perfect!
2. We went to Ouray, Colorado on our honeymoon. We stayed here, Mike and Joyce are great!
3. While in Ouray we went on a Jeep tour.
4. It was terrifying. Need proof?

We went down those VERY narrow passes in a truck with 4 wheel drive, courtesy of this great company.

It was really exciting but scary. If you want a really good description, ie, one where you actually want to book this tour, ask James. Seriously though, it was really exciting and probably a once in a lifetime opportunity or something like that.

5. We opened up our wedding gifts AND wrote thank you cards.
6. We still need to deliver them...
7. We moved all of our new stuff into the apartment.
8. James and I went to the Scorpion's concert with his sister and her husband and brother in law. Holy cow, for a bunch of old guys, they were amazing! (Three of the guys are 60+)
9. We played Lego StarWars, a lot. We bought a Wii with part of our gift cards.
10. We visited family. I love family.

That brings things just about up to speed. School starts on Monday. Grad school for both of us!
Wish us luck!

And, 11. I love James and I can't believe I got so lucky to marry such a wonderful guy!

1 comment:

Exuberant Chaos said...

Linds!!! Okay... i need to come up for a weekend! I know your in grad school, I know you will be busy, but I have several friends up there, so we could do something small or something at least!!! What weekend in September would be a def... NO?!!! Let me know and I'll organize with some of the other friends I have up there!