Sunday, December 4, 2011

November in a nutshell

What a month!  
I defended my Plan B report, all 106 pages of it

The green square is my defense on the seminar room schedule
My printed report (for some reason the picture looks like it was at night)

 Later that day I narrated the Relief Society Thanksgiving dinner.  The cultural hall looked amazing!

I was grateful that when the needle shattered after hitting the pin that it didn't hit me in the eye.
The (almost deadly) pin
 Over the Thanksgiving weekend my brother Alex gave his farewell address.  He did a wonderful job.  We had a bunch of people over afterwards:

 After the crowd left we took some pictures as a family.  It will probably look different in two years!

The soon to be missionary:

 After that Hil and her family got ready to head back to Vegas.  We had some fun before they left though.
Ave with her grammy
 James and I helped my parents get the house ready for Christmas.  We figure that since we don't have a tree at our place, helping someone else put up a tree fills our quota.  Right?

And one last, random, picture.  This is prop storage at Utah State.  It looks like the room of requirements...

Did I mention that I have three sets of renderings to finish and then I'll be done?  I can't believe I'm so close to being done.  I'm very excited!

1 comment:

Courtney Kearns said...

YOU'RE ALMOST DONE! Wow. And it is the room of requirements. You described it perfectly my friend. Us costume ladies should all go to lunch when I come next month? Love ya.